2008-11-01 14:17:23 UTC
AVC: Why did you choose R.E.M.'s "Stand" as the theme music?
CE: Well, I liked that song, to begin with, just the tune. But the more I
listened to it, the more the words sounded like what we had shot. At the
time, R.E.M. was not... They were just about to become really big. And so
they gave us the rights to use it on the series. We had to buy them, but
they weren't expensive. I met Michael Stipe at a party at Saturday Night
Live years later, and I told him that everybody associates that song with my
show, and he said that it was, without a doubt, the stupidest song that
R.E.M. had ever written. And I said I think that's ultimately why it
appealed to me, because it was the stupidest show that I had ever been on.
So it was a perfect match.
CE: Well, I liked that song, to begin with, just the tune. But the more I
listened to it, the more the words sounded like what we had shot. At the
time, R.E.M. was not... They were just about to become really big. And so
they gave us the rights to use it on the series. We had to buy them, but
they weren't expensive. I met Michael Stipe at a party at Saturday Night
Live years later, and I told him that everybody associates that song with my
show, and he said that it was, without a doubt, the stupidest song that
R.E.M. had ever written. And I said I think that's ultimately why it
appealed to me, because it was the stupidest show that I had ever been on.
So it was a perfect match.